
The purpose of this blog is to document and share, in words and in pictures, the travels of a couple (Bri and Dan) during a 6 week loop around the country after recently graduating from James Madison University in Virginia.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Road to Nowhere

We are 8 hours into our drive right now through the middle of absolutely nowhere. I feel like we landed on an undiscovered planet… I mean there is no one around. It’s very eerie and deserted, but extremely cool. If you ever want to get away from everything, I would say you couldn’t find a better place than here. The rain has been very sporadic today, but every time we approach a cloud of showers we have been able to smell it. Do you know what I’m talking about when I say you can smell the rain? It’s that potent, acidic scent that you can’t escape when it’s really hot outside. It reminds me of summer at home :)… which we are very, very far away from right now.

We drove past the stadium where the world’s first rodeo was held, which you can see in our pictures. We also drove through a little town which was completely abandoned and forgotten about with rusted, run-down houses and cars with shattered windows. When you look at our pictures you won’t even truly understand where we are. We have gone through rocky hills, vast flat plains, the Guadalupe mountains, and now we are driving through these mustardy colored hills sprinkled with tiny spiky plants—and no they are not cactus.

Oh and BIG news!! I drove the lunchbox today!! It was quite the exciting event of the day. I guess when there are no other cars in sight and the speed limit is 80, you can’t really worry about anything going wrong. We have about 2 hours to go before reaching our final destination, but first we will be driving past by El Paso. Anyways, we will check back in again soon. New Mexico, here we come!



  1. Wow! I could actually felt like I was there from your photo and description. Make sure you stop for some tacos in El Paso! You both look great- cute dress, Bri! And congratulations on driving the lunchbox..I bet Dan is happy about that :). Love you guys!

  2. You really drove?? Now that is BIG news. CONGRATULATIONS BRI!!
    Love the descriptions of your travels. It is so much fun seeing it through your words and pictures. The story they tell is that you are getting a great experience.
    Nice rooftop pool - looked very relaxing.
    I particularly like the pictures of Bri in front of the "mall shopping sign" (found one even in SA!), Bri waiting for the show to start (hope the wait wasn't too long), and you guys playing some betting card game on the floor with a half packed mess behind you - odd place to play amidst all the beautiful sights in the rest of the pics :)
    No relatives/friends for awhile now so make sure you start working on meeting some interesting people of this great country (we celebrate our men & women of the service this weekend). I want to start hearing some of the stories. :)
    Love ya

  3. "On the road again
    Goin' places that I've never been
    Seein' things that I may never see again
    And I can't wait to get on the road again."
    Hopefully you won't get that song stuck in your head :).....I just spent the last hour traveling with you guys,,,,awesome!!!Great pics and comments....Uncle Bob

  4. Hey Bri, must have been that extensive training with dad that made you an expert with the manual trans.
    Was the Loretto Church really closed like the sign said. I hear that staircase is really cool. Dan I hope you got good look at it because I was thinking of putting one in the basement. I checked out the stories about that staircase on snopes and most of the stories are bullony or bologna. Have fun.
